Lead Developer
Danish version of joblisting shown below english version
Are you ready to take technical responsibility for a Cloud hosted SaaS?
About Plandisc
Visma Plandisc is the market leader in digital planning tools in the Nordic region. Our interactive year wheel helps organizations visualize and optimize their annual planning. We are an innovative company, of 30 people of different nationalities, that values creativity, collaboration and technology, and we are now looking for a skilled Lead Developer to strengthen our team.
Our primary product is a web app in Angular and an associated API and backend written in C#. Both are hosted in both Microsoft Azure and Azure Stack Hub. We primarily use NoSQL databases such as CosmosDB and MongoDB for storing application data, and have a smaller MSSQL server on the side.
About the role
As Lead Developer at Plandisc, you will play a central role in the technological development of our platform. You will lead a team of talented developers and ensure that we continue to deliver the best user experience to our customers. You will also work closely with the Head of IT, Product Owner and other stakeholders in the company, so that you have a good understanding of customer needs and sparring for solutions.
The position is an primarily in-office position (not remote) as you are expected to mentor and be accessible to your colleagues in IT. We also feel this encourages creativity and collaboration, and helps build a better team that works together and has fun together on a daily basis.
About the IT department
You will enter a young IT department of 8 people with 6 different nationalities, which has a good community-felling and cohesion. The team consists of a Head of IT, a UX designer/Product Owner and 6 developers, all but one of whom are located at our office in Aarhus. We work in 2-week sprints and use several activities from SCRUM in our work.
Your responsibilities include
Help and support the development team to ensure high productivity and quality.
Plan and manage development projects from concept to launch.
Collaborate with product management to define technical requirements.
Implement best practices in software development and continuous integration.
Be a driving force for technological innovation and improvement.
Bachelor's degree in computer science, software engineering or a related field.
Minimum 5 years of experience in software development, preferably with some experience as a team leader or Lead Developer.
Mastery of Angular and C# for front-end and back-end development.
Experience with databases such as MSSQL, CosmosDB and MongoDB.
Solid experience with Azure and cloud solutions.
Excellent problem-solving skills and a proactive approach to challenges.
Good English communication skills and the ability to collaborate across teams.
It will also be interesting if you are familiar with one or more of the following
ISO27001, ISAE3000 or ISAE3402 Type II
Docker (or similar technology)
What we offer
Opportunity to work in an innovative and dynamic company with a focus on growth and development.
An inspiring work environment with a committed and professionally skilled team.
Competitive salary and employee benefits.
Flexible working hours and the possibility of working from home.
Quarterly events with the other Visma companies and team building activities with the company and department
A good lunch arrangement including breakfast and on Fridays pastries
How to apply:
If you are ready to take the next step in your career and contribute to Plandisc's success, send your application and CV via the form on Teamtailor: https://vismalocalgovernmentas.teamtailor.com/jobs/5588586-lead-developer
Er du klar til at tage teknisk ansvar for en cloud-hostet SaaS?
Om Plandisc
Visma Plandisc er markedsleder inden for digitale planlægningsværktøjer i Norden. Vores interaktive årshjul hjælper organisationer med at visualisere og optimere deres årsplanlægning. Vi er en innovativ virksomhed med 30 mennesker af forskellige nationaliteter, der værdsætter kreativitet, samarbejde og teknologi, og vi søger nu en dygtig Lead Developer til at styrke vores team.
Vores primære produkt er en webapp i Angular og en tilhørende API og backend skrevet i C#. Begge er hostet i både Microsoft Azure og Azure Stack Hub. Vi bruger primært NoSQL-databaser såsom CosmosDB og MongoDB til at gemme applikationsdata og har en mindre MSSQL-server ved siden af.
Om rollen
Som Lead Developer hos Plandisc vil du spille en central rolle i den teknologiske udvikling af vores platform. Du vil lede et team af talentfulde udviklere og sikre, at vi fortsætter med at levere den bedste brugeroplevelse til vores kunder. Du vil også arbejde tæt sammen med IT-chefen, Product Owner og andre interessenter i virksomheden, så du har en god forståelse for kundernes behov og sparring til løsninger.
Stillingen er primært en in-office stilling (ikke fjernbetjening), da du forventes at være mentor for og være tilgængelig for dine kolleger i IT. Vi føler også, at dette tilskynder til kreativitet og samarbejde og hjælper med at opbygge et bedre team, der arbejder sammen og har det sjovt sammen dagligt.
Om IT-afdelingen
Du kommer ind i en ung IT-afdeling på 8 personer med 6 forskellige nationaliteter, som har en god fællesskabsfølelse og sammenhold. Teamet består af en IT-chef, en UX-designer/Product Owner og 6 udviklere, hvoraf alle undtagen én er placeret på vores kontor i Aarhus. Vi arbejder i 2-ugers sprints og bruger flere aktiviteter fra SCRUM i vores arbejde.
Dine ansvarsområder omfatter
Hjælpe og støtte udviklingsteamet for at sikre høj produktivitet og kvalitet.
Planlæg og administrerer teknisk aspekt af udviklingsprojekter fra koncept til lancering.
Samarbejde med produkt-ledelsen for at definere tekniske krav.
Implementer “best practice” inden for softwareudvikling og kontinuerlig integration.
Vær en drivkraft for teknologisk innovation og forbedring.
Bachelorgrad i datalogi, software engineering eller et beslægtet felt.
Minimum 5 års erfaring inden for softwareudvikling, gerne med erfaring som teamleder eller Lead Developer.
Beherskelse af Angular og C# til frontend- og backend-udvikling.
Erfaring med databaser såsom MSSQL, CosmosDB og MongoDB.
Solid erfaring med Azure og cloud-løsninger.
Fremragende problemløsningsevner og en proaktiv tilgang til udfordringer.
Gode engelske kommunikationsevner og evnen til at samarbejde på tværs af teams.
Det vil også være interessant, hvis du er bekendt med en eller flere af følgende
ISO27001, ISAE3000 eller ISAE3402 Type II
Docker (eller lignende teknologi)
Hvad vi tilbyder
Mulighed for at arbejde i en innovativ og dynamisk virksomhed med fokus på vækst og udvikling.
Et inspirerende arbejdsmiljø med et engageret og professionelt dygtigt team.
Konkurrencedygtig løn og medarbejdergoder.
Fleksible arbejdstider og mulighed for at arbejde hjemmefra.
Kvartalsvise arrangementer med de andre Visma-virksomheder og teambuilding-aktiviteter med virksomheden og afdelingen
En god frokostordning inklusive morgenmad og om fredagen kager
Sådan ansøger du:
Hvis du er klar til at tage det næste skridt i din karriere og bidrage til Plandiscs succes, så send din ansøgning og CV via formularen på Teamtailor: https://vismalocalgovernmentas.teamtailor.com/jobs/5588586-lead-developer
- Department
- Software Development
- Role
- Software Developer
- Locations
- Aarhus
- Application deadline
- 31 March, 2025
- Competencies
- Software Development, SQL Server, Leadership, Cloud Architecture, Angular, Azure, C#
About Visma Public Technologies A/S
Visma Public Technologies is a part of the Public Sector in Visma. Companies in the Public Sector develop and deliver compliant and secure cloud solutions for municipalities, organisations, schools and governments.
Visma Public delivers solutions to:
- Financial management and planning
- HRM and payroll
- School administration
- eGovernment
Currently Visma Public consists of 22 companies spread across Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Latvia and Germany, but there are surely more to come. Think of Visma as an ecosystem of companies, cultures, and people, united by shared values and the vision to shape the future of society through technology.
Lead Developer
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